Sacramento County DA Thien Ho follows through on his promise to sue the city of Sacramento over its failure to deal with the homeless crisis in the city.  DA Thien Ho feels that he had no choice but to do his job as a District Attorney and protect the citizens of Sacramento.  His job is to hold city officials accountable for their failure to enforce laws and city ordinances dealing with homelessness, which enabled a public safety crisis.  “Studies show that nine out of ten women that are chronically homeless are victims of sexual assault,” Ho said in a press conference about the lawsuit.   To which Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg called it a distraction in his statement.

City Attorney Susana Alcala Wood’s response to the lawsuit:

“The City has attempted to work with the District Attorney multiple times in recent months, stating that collaboration is the best path forward. However, it sadly appears the DA would rather point fingers and cast blame than partner to achieve meaningful solutions for our community.  The City looks forward to responding to the DA’s claims in court.”