The brains of human beings are wired to remember the times and places where we experienced pain. We get stressed out whenever we revisit those times and places. Pepper spray has that kind of effect on a human being, which is why it is so effective when you are homeless. It can immobilize a threat for up to 45 minutes, but it doesn’t stop there. If you have ever gotten pepper sprayed, it’s probably been by law enforcement. It burns for a bit, but you can flush your eyes out with water, wipe it off and you’ll be okay. The pepper spray that’s available on the open market, however, is 3 to 5 times stronger than what police are allowed to use. With pepper spray that strong you can’t just wipe it away with water, milk, or even a shower. You have to take a bath and soak for a while. If you’re homeless you don’t have access to taking a bath, so it’s going to remain on your skin for a few days. That burning and itching leaves a psychological effect that stays imprinted on the brain of your aggressor. This is what makes it the most effective weapon that you can use for self-defense while homeless. The constant pain over the next few days is a reminder of what’s to come and makes someone think twice about harassing you again. Leaving no bruises and drawing no blood. Giving someone a black eye, bruise, or cut won’t do that. It only infuriates them every time they look in the mirror.

A few things to know before use
Pepper spray has great stopping power, but it’s not perfect. To begin with, there is at least a two-second delay from the point of contact before it starts to take effect. It will take longer on drug addicts, someone intoxicated, and anyone suffering from a psychotic episode. A lot can happen within two seconds. Your attacker can still grab you and smear the stream on you before it takes effect. Give yourself at least 15 feet from the threat. Pepper spray is a self-defense tool that is meant to give you an opportunity to flee from your attacker once released. Once you use the spray, get out of there.
Practice makes perfect
Before you have to use pepper spray on someone, use a few practice canisters first to get used to the release and reach. Use your thumb, not your finger on the trigger release of canisters. The range of most canisters is 8-25 feet. The wind, however, changes everything. If it’s too windy some sprays may become useless, and the blowback from the wind might blow the spray on you. Gel streams are the best types to buy. They will cut through the wind.
Keep the spray stored close and practice your release with water canisters. Most sprays come with a holster of some sort. There are plenty of other accessories you can buy to store your spray properly. Aim for the face. Pepper spray is more effective when it hits your attacker’s eyes, nose, and mouth.
Four types of sprays
The Stream pepper sprays are the most popular on the market. The small canisters have great range(up to 18 feet) and can cut through the wind. You must have good aim when under pressure. It’s made to hit one attacker at a time.
Pepper gel sprays have even greater distance and are made to saturate the attacker’s skin with a thick goey stream and dig in the pores when attempted to wipe away. It also has the ability to cut through the wind and has great range(up to 25 feet). The bigger the canister, the more thicker the stream and the greater the distance.
Fog sprays do a great of stopping an attacker after release. After release it leaves tiny droplets in the air for long periods of time. Allowing your attacker to continuously breathe them in. Great aim is not required. It releases a fog that will cover your attacker’s face. This pattern is designed to hit multiple people at once. They also have a great range of up to 20 feet. The only drawback is that the spray performs terribly in the wind. Heavy winds render the spray useless.
Pepper foam shoots out of the canister like it’s shaving cream, and much like gel it sticks to the skin, soaking into the pores. Every time your attacker tries wiping it away, it gets worse. Be careful not to get too close. The foam is thick enough to be thrown back at you. This type of spray has the worst range at a max of 10 feet but has decent wind protection.
From my own collection and experience
The sprays that I’m going to mention here are from my personal collection that I’ve used in conflicts to protect myself. They go from basic to some of the hottest sprays on the market. The type of people you might have to pepper spray are people who have probably been sprayed before. If you use something weak, they may be able to fight through it. Always use something stronger than what law enforcement carries, your attacker won’t be used to the potency. I use a combination of gel and foggers. One of each for portability and use at base camp. Always giving myself something that can cut through the wind.
Sabre Tactical Pepper Gel
The Sabre Tactical Pepper Gel is small but potent. It’s the same strength as what police use. Shoots a small stream of gel that takes a few seconds to kick in. It has an 18-foot range, with 18 shots. Comes with a hip holster.
SABRE Red Home Defense Pepper Gel
Twice as strong as Sabre’s Tactical gel, the Sabre Red Home Defense spray comes in a 16-ounce canister and shoots 32 shots. Something like this is meant to be kept at camp or placed in your backpack while out and about. It has excellent stopping power and range(25 feet). It shoots right through heavy winds and rain. The gel soaks into the pores of your attacker and remains for days.
Fox Labs FX-36MGC Mean Green 3oz Fog
Better known simply as “Mean Green“. This little fella is one of the hottest pepper sprays on the market. Three times stronger than what Police use, and has a range of 12 feet with instant stopping power. It’s made for close contact with multiple attackers packing at least 32 shots. There is also a stream version.
Fox Labs 12 Ounce Pepper Spray, 5,300,000 Scoville Heat Units, Fog Spray
It doesn’t get any hotter. This Fox Labs canister is made to deter multiple attackers at once. It’s a fogger that has a 20 feet range. Even if you miss, you can’t miss. The stopping power is second to none. It has 50 shots.